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JLG & Associates - Association Involvement

ACPA - American Concrete Pipe Association

The American Concrete Pipe Association was originally conceived in 1907 by a small group of concrete farm drain tile manufacturers as the Interstate Cement Tile Manufacturers Association in Ames, Iowa. The group needed some means of exchanging ideas and establishing a high quality, standardized products. In 1914, the organization was renamed the American Concrete Pipe Association.


Throughout the 20th century, the concrete pipe industry has experienced tremendous growth. As more and more people moved from farms to cities, it created increased demand for concrete sewer and drainage products. The introduction of the automobile and subsequent highway development extended the uses of concrete pipe storm drains and culverts. There are currently over 400 plants operated by ACPA members in the United States and Canada. Over 40 countries are represented in the membership of the American Concrete Pipe Association. ACPA’s international headquarters are located in Irving, Texas USA.


NPCA - National Precast Concrete Association

Founded in 1965, we are an international trade association representing and connecting manufacturers of plant-produced precast concrete products and companies that provide the equipment, supplies and services to make these products. Through education, leadership and networking opportunities, we are dedicated to expanding the use of quality precast concrete and providing industry leadership in identifying challenges and opportunities.


ACI - American Concrete Insitute

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development, distribution and adoption of consensus-based standards, technical resources, educational programs, and proven expertise for individuals and organizations involved in concrete design, construction, and materials, who share a commitment to pursuing the best use of concrete.


FCPA - Florida Concrete & Products Association

Established in 1955. Representing more than 90 companies statewide. Ready-mixed Concrete, Concrete Pavement, Concrete Pipe, Cement, Aggregate, Concrete Block, Concrete Masonry and Admixtures for Concrete, and Concrete Products. Dedicated to educational and promotional programs for proper specification, installation, and construction procedures for all types of concrete products.  Unified voice in Tallahassee for infrastructure issues.

CCPPA - Carolina Concrete Pipe & Products Association

The Carolinas Concrete Pipe and Products Association represents the concrete pipe industry through out the Carolinas. Our mission and commitment is to promote the virtues of concrete pipe while educating its users, specifiers and stakeholders at all levels of government and private entities.




TCPA - Texas Concrete Pipe Association

The Texas Concrete Pipe Association serves as the voice for the concrete pipe and box culvert industries in the State of Texas. TCPA plays a vital role in promoting a resilient, modern, and sustainable infrastructure system for all Texans. A strong and dependable transportation network is the backbone of our economy. TCPA is committed to ensuring that our roads, highways, and water management systems will continue to serve the public in times of greatest need for generations to come. We are the proven, time-tested, design-engineered product for our future!


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